
Nyallo ! My name is Ibey. I am a self-taught artist. I also dabble in a little bit of graphic design. Feel free to check out my work!♥ Please message me on Twitter for inquiries ♥

YCH: HEH StickersAn Anya's smug cheeky expression inspired digital sticker: A simple Chibi style headshot of YCH with bold lineart and solid color blend.Base Price: 20USDCommission Slots: 5/5 Available
Max Waitlist Slots: 5/5 Available

YCH: MineA digital crayon inspired YCH: A simple Chibi style full body YCH holding an item of choice with semi bold lineart and solid color blend.Base Price: 15USDCommission Slots: 5/5 Available
Max Waitlist Slots: 5/5 Available

Dona-/Suba-/Bitty- thons GraphicCustom made Menu Style Graphic for that displays your Main, Stretch and Individual incentives for your dona- /suba- /bitty- thons.Base Price: 35USDCommission Slots: 3/3 Available
Max Waitlist Slots: 3/3 Available

♥ Terms of Service ♥

By commissioning me, you agree to the following terms

♥ General Information ♥

  • Please direct all inquires to my Twitter.

  • All credit must be given to @IbeyChan.

  • Please know the exact specification of what you want for your commission and which commission you want. If your desired commission and specification changes, please let me know ASAP.

  • I reserve the right to showcase the completed commissions on Twitter.

  • I reserve the right to decline a commission at any point.

  • I do not make NFTs nor will allow my work to be made into one. Please do not use my work for AI purposes.

  • Please do not trace my work or redistribute it anywhere.

♥ Before Commissioning ♥

  • Please have patience and understanding: I try my best to complete commissions within the stated timeframe. Delays can happen due to life. I will give clear communication and keep you updated if a situation arises.

  • Commissions will be done in batches! Once the slots of a commission option and waitlist are filled, the commission option will remain closed until the batch and waitlist is finished. This is to ensure that I am delivering quality work to you all and that I am getting proper breaks. You may post your commission once I have sent the final version over via Google Drive! You do not need to wait until the batch is completed to show it off (Please credit me: @IbeyChan)! This system is only used to set my work load and working pace!

  • I do draw personal art for fun and post them on Twitter! Do not fret, your commission is not being neglected! I am also a human being; I need breaks to keep my sanity.

  • Please have references of your character/model, inspiration/references of applicable items and appropriate documents in a Google Drive/ Document Link.

  • I will not be attempting to mimic other artist style and will only allow them to be references. Please make sure that these commissions are the style that you are looking for prior to making an inquiry.

♥ Payment & Refunds ♥

  • All prices and payments are in USD.

  • I will send an invoice via PayPal only. I will not start any work until payment is received.

  • Design Complexity Fee are added in increments of 5USD.

  • Consulation services are non-refundable. Please make sure that this is a service you need prior to making an election.

  • Placing a rush on a commission order at any point of the process will result in a 15USD fee.

  • Refunds will be issued IF the commission is cancelled before work has begun.

YCH: Heh Stickers

What to Bring for Inquiry
Please provide the following in a Google Drive/Document Link:
♥ Reference of your character/model
♥ Hex code or picture of your preferred color for the background
How It works:
♥ Two (2) stage process: Rough Sketch, Color Stage.
♥ You may check out the progress on my Trello!
♥ Two (2) WIP provided: Rough Sketch & Color Stage.
♥ One (1) chance to make changes on the two (2) WIPs provided
♥ The final product will be delivered to you via Google Drive Link.
Note: This is a headshot of your character/model, anything underneath the chin will not show up in the sticker. This piece is for personal use only; please make an inquiry about commercial rights.

YCH: Mine

What to Bring for Inquiry
Please provide the following in a Google Drive/Document Link:
♥ Reference of your character/model
♥ Inspiration and color for item of choice
How It works:
♥ Two (2) stage process: Rough Sketch, Color Stage.
♥ You may check out the progress on my Trello!
♥ Two (2) WIP provided: Rough Sketch & Color Stage.
♥ One (1) chance to make changes on the two (2) WIPs provided
♥ The final product will be delivered to you via Google Drive Link.
Note: This is a full body sketch, where the front body of the character/model will not be shown. This is a more simplistic style, some of the intense details will be omitted. This piece is for personal use only; please make an inquiry about commercial rights.

Dona-/Suba-/Bitty- thons Graphic

Consultation Services:
♥ Creation of your incentives and number increments
♥ A second opinion on your current list of incentives and increments
♥ Consultations will be done in a VC on Discord only.
♥ Date/time of the sessions will be scheduled after indication.
♥ Consultation sessions are at a rate of 15USD per hour.
♥ Invoice are sent after each consultation session.
What to Bring For Inquiry
Please have the following in a Google Drive/Document:
♥ Finalized incentives and goals list
♥ PNG(s)/Art piece(s) (Include artist name and social media) [Max: 2]
♥ Choose for background: Art piece [Max:1] OR colors [Max:3]
♥ Font choices [Max:2]
♥ Choose: Landscape or Portrait format
Note: Please make this inquiry 4 to 5 days before you are set to advertise the event. Placing a commission 1 to 2 days before you are set to advertise the event will result in an added rush fee.How It Works:
♥ Two (2) stages process: Background & Font, Overall Placement.
♥ You may check out the progress on my Trello!
♥ Two WIP provided: Background and Font Check & Overall Final
♥ One (1) chance to make changes on the two (2) WIPs provided
♥ The final product will be delivered to you via Google Drive.
Note: I will not be posting your graphic on my Twitter, as it is for your Dona-/ Suba-/ Bitty- thon. Please do credit me @IbeyChan!